Charles Handfield Wyatt III
(1907 - 1952)
Charles Handfield Wyatt III
CHARLES HANDFIELD WYATT III was born to Meta Van Ness Hutton Wyatt (1867-1946) and Charles Handfield Wyatt II (1865-1930) on 7 June 1907 in Baltimore,Maryland. He and his parents lived at 211 Biddle in Baltimore until 12 April 1912 when they moved to 611 Grace Street; Richmond Virginia where the senior Wyatt had taken a job to help begin the new The Richmond Fed, following the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond was chartered in May 1914. During their stay young Charles attended the Chamberlain School.
CHWIII and his father CHW II
By September of 1914 the family was back in Baltimore residing in the large home of relative James Bosley Noel Wyatt, a bachelor. As a prominent local architect his home in Roland Park showcased the stylish features of suburban life. The home’s location at 5 Club Road provided a convenient location for Charles III to attend the nearby Gilman School. The family remained there until his graduation in June of 1925 when they moved to The Charles Apartments, close to the campus of Johns Hopkins University. After obtaining his degree in Civil Engineering from the University, Charles was ready to see the world and took a year off to travel.
June 8, 1931
1935-36 attended Officer Reserve Corps School for two weeks.
May, 1936 transferred by Proctor & Gamble to Cincinnati to work in Ivorydale, Ohio as Eastern Division cost accountant. They resided in an apartment on Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio
February 26, 1937, Charles Handfield Wyatt IV was born.
May, 1936 transferred by Proctor & Gamble to Cincinnati to work in Ivorydale, Ohio as Eastern Division cost accountant. They resided in an apartment on Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio
February 26, 1937, Charles Handfield Wyatt IV was born.